Monday, December 22, 2008

Local Radio DJ - Cool Guy Alert!

Taking some vacation this week I spent a couple of hours wrapping Christmas gifts this morning. There was absolutely nothing on TV, so I figured I'd save some hours on the plasma and listen to the radio instead.

As I was wrapping I started realizing how annoying the DJs on this particular station are - well, the one that was on at this particular time anyway. Now, I'll admit I don't listen to the radio that much, really only in the car and most of my trips are less than 10 minutes in length. Plus I station hop until I find a song I like, I don't listen to DJs, few have anything worth listening to (my opinion).

Before I tell you what bugged me about this guy, let's get some context. This is a DJ on one of Joplin (population 50,000), Missourah's local stations. Okay, that's plenty of context. What drove me nuts was all the effort this guy was making to try to sound cool. I ran across a phrase last week that suits this guy perfectly: he was so cool it hurts. No really, it hurt to listen.

Here's the deal, dude. You live in Joplin. This IS the southwestern outpost of the Midwest, but it's still definitely the Midwest (I can explain as needed on that point). Given the demographic makeup of this area I could make a guess that you are about as pasty in complexion as I am. What does this mean? It means that the start value (think Olympic figure skating) on your coolness coefficient is very, very low. There's no shame in not being cool, we are in fact out of high school now (in case you missed that fact, sorry to disappoint you). Some of us (myself included) just weren't intended to be cool. Just be who God made you to be, stop trying to be someone else.


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