Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fatherhood: Weeks 2-4

Every couple of days or so we have a really good day - eat well, sleep well, fuss very little, etc. - and I start to think that we've really turned a corner on this parenting a newborn thing.

Inevitably the next day is a difficult one and I am brought back to the reality that I still have no idea what I'm doing.

In the last couple of weeks, Drake has been to the doctor twice, the ER once, and is headed back to the doctor on Wednesday of next week. Suffice it to say we're trying to get some formula, fussiness, and spit-up issues resolved. At this point we're on the hypo-allergenic formula (read: expensive) plus rice cereal and 2 medications. Through it all he is a sweet baby that really only fusses and cries when he is hurting - or if we let him get too hungry. I am told that Grant Wistrom had similar issues as a baby, was put on hypoallergenic formula (or something similar) and his mom is convinced that is what caused him to grow so fast (got that second hand from someone who knows his mom).

A couple of times the Draker and I have gotten to eat breakfast together. Well, really that means he gets fed and then I eat while he tries to fall asleep. This morning I actually held him while I ate and he dozed. He couldn't have cared less, but because that's my favorite time of the day I thought it was awesome.

Britt has been reading to him from a children's Bible we were given. When he eats with me we just go with the NIV Study Bible. He seems to really like Ezekiel.

I learned an important lesson this week. Being helpful to Brittany requires a sense of timing and precise adherence to the established norms and procedures of the household. Services rendered that deviate from said SOP shall be declared null and void. Actually, it's almost like it becomes the inverse of service rendered - not only not making any deposits in the marriage bank it actually debits the account like an ETF loan shark. But helping her is worth it - as soon as I figure out how to. Luzadder, stop laughing. :) I know you're enjoying this.

We feel pretty accomplished when it comes to bathing the little guy. He doesn't hate it, but seems confused as to why he is being placed naked in a large body of water. He nearly got his first swimming lesson last night when he nearly wriggled away from me.

I got seven and a half hours of sleep last night - not in one shot mind you. But the cumulative effect was great.


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