Sunday, October 25, 2009

T-Minus 2 Months and Counting

I woke up this morning to discover that the date is 10/25/09...exactly 2 months before Drake's due date. Each time we cross some sort of threshold like that the reality of what is about to happen gets much stronger.

We spent yesterday at a pre-natal class at Freeman. I am glad we went, I feel comfortable now with what will go on the day he arrives. That's not to suggest I feel totally prepared to be a dad, just that I know where to find my wife and baby should we get separated at some point in the process (as well as where the cafeteria is and where to find the grandparents when it's time for them to come in).

I was expecting to spend 2 hours on the floor doing breathing exercises. Turned out to be about 20 minutes. They taught us 2 things:
1. Slow deep breaths - bookended by deep cleansing breaths.
2. 3 He's and a Who - The sequence goes like this, deep cleansing breath, then three short, shallow breaths that sound like you're saying "he" as you exhale, then one that sounds like "who", then repeat the he's and who sequence until the contraction is over and finish with a deep cleansing breath.

I think the reason this was such a short part of the day is that 72% of women opt for an epidural thus rendering the breathing mostly unnecessary (so she said) - don't attack me here, I'm just repeating information.

I fully expected to be in a room full of very young parents to be. As it turned out, I'm not 100% sure I was the oldest guy in room. Most of the moms appeared to be in their early to mid-20s (was honestly expecting a couple of high school juniors). One couple struck me as being around my age. The dad of this couple seemed to be about as unsure of what's coming as I am - that was comforting.

At this point we can actually identify which body part Drake is pushing against Britt's stomach with (usually feet). She likes to push back against him - it's like she went to the Jayson-French-school-of-pre-birth-child-rearing (Motto: Always push back and play all the angles). I find myself regularly exhorting her to be careful with him because he's little. That's easy for me to say, he's not banging around against my rib cage.


At 7:49 PM, Blogger Jayson French said...

Tell Brit she's doing it right! I don't think either of the boys in her house will push her around much!


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