Monday, December 29, 2008


For months (years really) I've been listening to people (MD, Jon, and Patrick - I'm talking about you) talk about how amazing things look in high definition - especially 1080p, currently the Cadillac of high definition resolutions. But until last week I had not ever really experienced it for myself. And honestly figured it probably wasn't all they were making it out to be.

In April, my wife consented to the purchase of a 1080p capable plasma. We've been enjoying it, but had no 1080 signal sources (the only thing above 480p is CBS HD, which I think is 720p). I knew when we bought it we'd eventually have the higher resolution sources and figured it was worth buying the compatible TV.

Fast forward to last week and we suddenly found ourselves blessed when we opened a really nice Blu-ray player (made by the people who - as I understand it - created the format). Not unlike the night we moved in to this house and we couldn't stop the moving process until we un-crated the new TV, I wasn't about to go to bed that night until I had it hooked up and got to see what 1080p looked like.

Let's just say 1080p is all it's cracked up to be. I was amazed at how good things looked, the clarity is unbelievable. The depth, richness, etc. are all awesome. After checking out the full 1080p experience on a Blu-ray disc (thanks, Brayden) I even dropped a standard DVD in there to see what the 1080i up-convert looked like and was very impressed with that as well.

While I've never been one to rush out and buy the newest thing, judging by the number of movies currently available on Blu-ray I think we're a little ahead of the curve this time thanks to family members who are very generous.

One of these days I'll break down and pay up to get Dish in high definition...maybe.


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