Monday, February 12, 2007

Surviving the Grammys

Warning: This post has no redeeming value and is simply my rant.

From 7 to 8 last night (before the Apprentice started) I was forced to suffer through the Grammy's. The highlight for me was Mary J. Blige's two acceptance speeches. She thanked God (and even uttered the name of Jesus) multiple times and let on to changes in her life. I haven't done any research on her, previously her music didn't come across as terribly Christ honoring, but who knows.

My biggest complaint with the Grammys - as with most awards shows - is that the huge name artists they get to perform come on there and play slow songs I've never heard (I'm generally biased against slow songs anyway, particularly if they're not familiar). This is all about me after all, right? I mean Justin Timberlake, I can't stand you, but at least play the one song of yours that I can readily identify as being yours (it is after all the one they used to plug your performance at the show, why not just play it?). And by the way, I don't care how hot people tell you that you are, sticking that camera up your nose doesn't look good on anyone. I actually prefer it when they get one hit wonders to play awards shows, at least you know what you're going to get. John Mayer, cut your hair.

Low-light of that hour. Having to suffer through the Dixie Chicks. Where did they go wrong? Their early stuff was good. Then the demon that is Natalie Maines decided she'd rather be a politician than a musician and it all went south from there. If there is one thing that celebrities need to learn, it is that they need to keep their mouths shut when it comes to politics and especially foreign affairs. I'm pretty sure they're about as qualified to run their mouths on TV about foreign policy as William Hung was to sing on TV. Seriously, shut up and play your instrument. Your uneducated opinions stink worse than most. The Dixie Chicks proved their idiocy by completely failing to understand their base market. Three words Natalie: southern, conservative, Republicans. You're entitled to your opinion, but seriously were you dumb enough to think it wasn't going to sandbag your popularity - even if only temporarily - given the audience who made you famous in the first place?

Maybe we need to pass a law in this country that all people applying for a famous permit must go through certain minimum coursework. Yes, I like this idea. "Keeping your mouth shut 101", "Not irritating your base audience by being stupid 102", and "Getting over yourself and giving the audience what they want (your one hit song) 103" would be absolutely essential.

Here's to people who just perform their music and don't throw their ridiculous worldviews in our faces.


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