Saturday, January 31, 2009

Torturing Cats

No, not really, everyone relax, no animals are actually involved in anything in this post.

Every Saturday morning at 9am there is some sort of aerobic class at the gym Britt and I go to. We don't attend the class, but the room it's held in is immediately behind the cardio machines that we do use. So, what usually happens is that about 10 minutes after I get on the treadmill a bunch of women flood the room, then the music starts, and then about every 2 minutes there's this blood-curdling squeal / scream that can probably be heard out in the parking lot (we can definitely hear it out in the main part of the gym on the other side of a wall and closed door over the music playing in the gym and the noise of all the treadmills).

The first time this happened I kept thinking that surely someone would regulate the problem within the room or maybe the gym staff would ask them to keep it down. But no, whatever is making this noise (and it's the same noise each time) seems undaunted. So I finally figured out what is going on.

They are sneaking a cat into the room and then torturing it. The noise is almost certainly not human in nature, so this is the only logical conclusion I can come to. What I don't know is whether they use the same cat each week or spread the love around the feline community.

Seriously, I wish the gym would establish a noise policy - something barring members from making irritating noises that infringe on the right of others to a reasonably peaceful workout environment. This is needed for the same reason that they don't play heavy-metal music at 110 db - while some would enjoy it, others would probably find somewhere else to workout.


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