Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Freedom in Our Society

A friend forwarded this article to me from the Wall Street Journal. It's not really intended as a partisan political piece, but does express a sentiment that I can appreciate regarding the way our legal system should function versus the way it currently does and the effects thereof.

I have long said that the purpose of government is to take care of things that individuals can't, protect the borders, deal with needed functions, etc. and then to stay out of the way. As the federal government continues to expand and reach further and further into our lives we get further away from what I believe the founders intended - of course that is a matter for debate.

My wife gets annoyed that I get fired up about things that I see as infringements on the rights of citizens. I appreciate this guy's ability to express that viewpoint in a more diplomatic manner than I probably could.

If you disagree with this perspective, that's cool. Well, that's your right anyway. I just thought it was worth posting this because it does express a philosophy without attaching itself to either side of the aisle or attacking the recently departed Bush administration or the incoming Obama administration. Happy reading.



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