Friday, September 21, 2007

Encouragements of the Day

One of the dangers of "being in ministry" is that it can be easy to miss the amazing things that God does around you. This is especially a challenge in a para-church ministry where our role is primarily facilitation, not person to person ministry, for much of the year.

A couple of things today have really reminded me of the incredible things God can do through willing servants and the level of sacrifice that some people will make because they believe in seeing lives changed.

I sat in a meeting this morning listening to a man tell us his passion for influencing life change in students. In the process I was asked to briefly tell about myself. As I thought about a concise way to explain why I do what I do I was reminded about how incredible it is to see students lives changed by the power of the Holy Spirit at an event that you had a small part in facilitating. It is good for me to be reminded of that once in a while, maybe more than that when the days are long.

This afternoon a list of comments that have been received during some calling that is going on currently at CIY was emailed to me. One of the comments came from a mom who said that she has 4 kids and at times struggles to put food on the table, but felt that the ministry of CIY is so important she wanted to donate (financially) to CIY. That's being committed to something, that's passion taking on hands and feet, that's someone who trusts in her Savior to provide even when she's not sure where it will come from. That challenges me. What have I done recently for the Kingdom of God that was so bold?...I don't intend that to be a rhetorical question, I just don't have an answer.


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