Friday, November 10, 2006

News? Spin?

I am an admitted Fox News fan. I refused to get Dish until I was willing to pay for the 120 channel package so I would have it (actually, I waited until they were offering a rebate so that the bigger package would cost me the smaller package amount for several months). Honestly, the only reason I would watch any other news media outlet for anything but locals would be if for some reason I wanted to know what Howard Dean's talking points were or what the National Enquirer was leading with this week. The others are absolutely worthless unless you just really want to know what the DNC thinks, because that's what you'll get from them, not the news. (How's that for a hook!)

Now those who feel just as strongly about FNC as I do about the others would argue that Fox leans to the right and the others are in the center. Those who say that are wrong. I won't bother supporting that statement, any sort of objective look at it clearly shows the others lean left. Now, as a flag-waving, gun rights supporting, God-fearing American I support the rights of CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, etc. to lean to the left. Those are companies (not governmental agencies) and their management can decide what they want to air. They need to be honest with themselves and everyone else about what they're doing, but if that's where they're at they can have at it (I just won't be watching).

While there might be some truth to an accusation that FNC leans right, it is far more balanced than anything else out there. And let's face it, in a world of media supporting the ideals of the most liberal ideas in the country, anything that doesn't lean left is going to feel and sound like it's leaning to the right. I think the lesson here is that national media has leaned left so long that it succeeded in desensitizing most of the US population until left now feels like center.

Now, here's a news flash. Fox is the #1 cable news network. Could it be that there are more than just a few of us who want the news, not the DNC's spin on the news and are well enough educated to find sources for it? There is a line in the movie "Sweet Home Alabama" that I like. One of the main characters says to another (insert southern drawl), "Just because I talk slow doesn't mean I'm stupid." I would argue that most of the big media outlets have assumed for years that the populace is too stupid to figure out that they're being fed a liberal slant on the news rather than the news itself. Here's to educating the rural, middle class.


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