Friday, August 14, 2009


Traditions are an interesting thing we humans do. We have them in virtually every aspect of our lives. We have holiday traditions, work traditions, religious traditions, sports traditions, and the list goes on. I'm not about to claim to understand all the psychology behind why we feel the need to establish and carry on traditions (sometimes well beyond their useful lifespan).

I do find it very interesting that we use what to others must seem like random acts as ways to commemorate important things in our lives. Sometimes traditions are intentionally established - several of the traditions we carry on in the Christian faith were specifically established and intended to be carried on. Other traditions just kind of get going without much forethought.

For instance, in my mom's family there is box that is given between family members each year - and this has been going on longer than I've been alive. At first it wasn't intentional, but then someone realized that that same box kept popping up each year. So they decided to keep giving it. The family is large enough now that we only exchange one gift at the big family party each Christmas - that one gift is given in what we call the "heirloom box".

I guess intentionality is part of a tradition. Until someone intentionally starts repeating the same acts it's not yet a tradition.

I realized Thursday that CIY has a new tradition - the dumping of icy water of the head of the MOVE intern coordinator at the lake party. Four years ago, the first year I served in that role, when it first happened it was a total surprise to me and I didn't think much about it. Then it happened the next year, then last year, and finally again yesterday.

Now there is one common denominator in those 4 cold showers I've received - his name is Tony Anderson. You see, back in 2006 Tony was an intern. Then in 2007 he was an intern again. In 2008 and 2009 Tony traveled with us an Emcee and we like him so well that we still invite him to the lake party. Coincidentally, Tony is a very talented composer and has scored several of the major films we have shown at CIY events over the last few years. Here is a link to his site.

Knowing that I was bound to get a cooler of ice over my head yesterday I decided to turn the tables a little. Rather than try to avoid my own celebratory dousing I decided it was time for Tony to receive the same honor. Tony is very persuasive when it comes to the interns, but he forgot one important thing - there are several of our staff members that (surprising to you or not) like me. So I asked them to help me out a little - by returning the victory shower to Tony when I got mine.

The interns this year were pretty sly, I'll give them that. Well, really they weren't. It was terribly obvious that they were plotting, but how they carried it out was good. They actually used a decoy. Two of the guys - Titus and Will - picked up a cooler and walked around behind me with it - in plain sight. I was thinking, wow, you guys are pretty confident that I'm not going to try to evade you or turn it back on you. What I didn't know was that Paul and Josh had gone around the house with a bucket and were coming from my blind side. It was a direct hit. Nicely done guys, no really, nicely done. In the words of our friend Tony, "Complete Success."

Shortly there after my retaliation plan was carried out by a couple of guys on staff (I think it was Chase and Ben, but I'm not 100% on that) while a couple of others kept Tony distracted - thanks, Jayson.

So it's a tradition. That's cool. I figure if the interns didn't like me they wouldn't do it so I might as well embrace it.

I guess I'll just add this to my list of things to thank Tony for. :)


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