Friday, February 01, 2008

If I were a true digerati I'd have photos to prove what I'm about to say. Joplin received a few inches of snow yesterday evening, which of course creates some slick streets and all the normal issues, but I've got a cool view out my office window this morning.

The CIY offices are surrounded by woods and right now there are no leaves on most of the trees, so I can see deep into the woods to the west of the office out my window. The sky above is light blue as the sun begins to come up on the other side of the building and there is a layer of pure, white snow on all the branches of the trees and across the ground.

Last summer Matt Foreman did something cool, he painted our ONES logo in this shallow wooden box and then propped it up against some pallets out on this end of the building. So every time I look out, there it is. It has been a cool reminder of our Summer Conference theme in 2007. Today it has a layer of snow covering part of it.

It's a beautiful scene out my window this morning. Clear, calm, tranquil. On mornings like this I am very thankful for a chance to sit just for a moment and appreciate the beauty of God's creation.


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