Saturday, December 22, 2007

Clothing Budget worries

I've been working on revising our family budget for 2008. Hey, I'm a little strange and enjoy that sort of thing. But here is what I've learned: my wife tunes me out about as soon as I start talking about it and when I get done all she wanted to know was if she still got a clothing budget or not. I'm pretty sure I could eliminate the satellite, meals out, and travel without catching as much flack as if I eliminated her ability to go to the mall once in a while.

Now, for accuracy in reporting I have to say that she is very frugal with what she buys. She has not and will not create a problem for us financially with her spending (I am very blessed to have a wife so financially conscientious). I just think it's funny that her first question is always about the clothing budget.

After I got her question answered, she paused and then asked, "And what about you, do you get to buy clothes too?"

I wonder if that means anything?


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