Saturday, August 11, 2007

Starting School

Yes, it is 101 today.

Yes, it is supposed to be 103 tomorrow.

Yes, it seems like summer just got started.

But school starts next week!

Why would I dedicate a post to school starting, I don't have kids afterall? Because I'm married to a teacher, so the school starting rush is just as real at our house as I suspect it is in homes where there are young students. Brittany has been spending fairly a lot of time at her classroom in preparation for school to begin. She had to get her room ready, had to start lesson planning (a process that never really ends and seems to have to be re-done every year), then on Friday had to start preparing items for her students.

I remember the days when August meant back to school for me. Now it means different things. Now August means that I have some time off coming up, that Summer Conference is over for the year, that Believe and SuperStart are around the corner, and that my wife and I will soon be back on the same schedule.

One of the drawbacks of having a spouse off of work all summer is they tend to want to stay up late and sleep in. I can't say I blame her and she really doesn't stay up that late or sleep that long, but it's just enough that I end up going to bed alone and to the gym by myself in the morning. These aren't terrible things, nor are they things I would want to have go on indefinitely.

Soon I'll be hearing all about the heart-breaking situations that too many of her students face, the funny things they do, the rotten things they do, and everything in between. If I've learned one thing about being married to a teacher it is this: it's never boring! Sometimes we're all the way through dinner before I even get started on what I did all day. Then again, sometimes it's the other way around.

Yes, school is starting soon, I'm sorry for all of you dreading it. But look on the bright side, school starting can only mean one thing: football season is almost here! Mark your calendars, August 31st the Webb City Cardinals open their season at Kickapoo, then comes the home opener against Carthage on September 7th. That should be a fun one in the new Cardinal Stadium.

Okay, so really, this post was just an excuse to talk about football.


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