Sunday, March 08, 2009

Weekend update

- I wish someone had been recording my dad and I yesterday afternoon as we were finishing up some work out at the barn. We (he) had moved some of the horses so they wouldn't be in our way as we were doing some work in the barn. As we were finishing up they had to be moved back to their normal places. He had put a mare (a mom horse for those not literate in horse-ese) and week-old colt out in this larger lot (it's probably between 1 and 2 acres) for the day. They needed to be brought back into their enclosed stall. So he started walking out around them to sort of herd them back to the barn. Now understand, dad has an old knee injury that he re-aggravated a few weeks ago, so he's not moving too terribly fast. I could see this taking a while and had finished what I was doing, so I went over to help. It must have looked like we were playing a 2-deep zone in prevent coverage (yes, I just connected a horse story to football). We were basically running back and forth until they decided to run into their stall.

- I didn't get to see WC's girl's win this weekend, but the highlights looked like they played well. I hope they continue their run in Columbia next weekend, that would be pretty cool to see them win a title.

- I really detest the celebrity culture in this country. There are celebrities that I like, but very, very few. The ones that annoy me the most are the ones that are famous either:
1. For being famous (i.e. come from a famous family, but have no discernible talent and have contributed nothing to society as of yet)
2. Reality TV "stars" - you had your 15 minutes, go away.
I think one of my favorite segments of celebrities to pick on are R&B stars. Well, musicians in general, but especially rappers. I don't understand why we listen to these people. They are either criminals or doing their dead level best to convince you they are or could be. Whatever! Here's what I'm trying to get to:
What happened to Rihanna is terrible, no woman should be treated that way. And I hope someone around her can talk some sense into her so that she doesn't end up dead, that would be tragic. Chris Brown - assuming momentarily that all the smoke around this is indicative of a fire - is a massive wanna-be. He's not a thug, he's a punk. Yeah, we're all really impressed that you smacked Rihanna around. I'm sure that gave you lots of street cred. If he's guilty, this should be a career killer. But mark my word it won't be. The R&B industry will welcome him back with open arms.


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