Saturday, January 06, 2007

Returning to the Homeland

In just a couple of hours my wife and I will be making a day trip to Stillwater to watch the Cowboys take on Baylor (men's basketball) at Gallagher-Iba Arena (repeatedly named the greatest college basketball venue in the country - CBS). Britt bought the tickets for me for Christmas - what a great gift!

It's been months since I've visited my alma mater, actually it might have been more than a year, I can't remember. It seems like only a short time ago that I lived there and never imagined being anywhere else. Funny how things turn out. Of course the memory tends to provide rose colored lenses when considering the past. If I'm honest I remember plenty of frustrating days in that town. The streets are terrible, they'll shake your car to pieces. Parking is a mess (for most). The wind blows all the time, I remember only a couple of dead calm days in the 5+ years I lived there.

While I wouldn't trade the life I've been blessed with today for anything - certainly I would never have met my wife if I hadn't moved to Joplin, nor would I have the amazing opportunity to invest in Kingdom work via CIY without having left Stillwater - I do appreciate the good things I experienced there more now than I did then.

I think one of the natural downfalls of most people is that we tend to underappreciate what we have until it's gone. Wise are those who can fully appreciate what they have while they have it, certainly nothing in this life is guaranteed forever. I see this tendency most in students and young adults. As an athletic has-been I get a little fired up when I see high school athletes who don't care about their athletic opportunities and make poor decisions that will hurt their performance in the future. Most will look back later with regret for having squandered their opportunities - or at least not having taken full advantage. This is just one example.

My wife says my posts are generally too long, so I'll draw this to a close with a prayer:

"Father, I thank you for the way that you shape and direct our lives - sometimes in spite of our efforts to take control. I thank you for the path you have led me down and the way you have blessed me, far beyond what I deserve. Help me to appreciate the good things you've put in my life and to learn from the trials that come my way. Forgive me when I take things for granted and when I don't recognize the blessings you've put in my life. Give me the wisdom to see the big picture and take advantage of the opportunities you place in my path. All of this I pray in your Son's name, Amen."


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